Hello There!

Hello there and welcome to my blog that I will be keeping as an online theoretical sketchbook throughout my autumn/winter art project. Throughout this project I will be building knowledge and practice of portrait photography.

Monday 6 December 2010

Making and Text Portrait..

After looking through all the examples of Ueltzhoeffer, I decided to create a text portrait of my own. I found a good tutorial on how to create a similar effect to Ueltzhoeffer's work, it's not the same process but ultimately creates the same outcome.

The tutorial can be found at http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-effects/text-portrait/page-4.php.

The process involves converting a portrait picture to black and white. You then create a new layer and fill it with black. After this is done we then create a new text layer spanning across the whole image. Then you paste the text into this layer and re-size the text so it covers everything. When the text is done you then add a mask layer to the text layer. You copy the original black and white image from the first layer and paste this into the mask layer on the text. The result you are left with is a very similar outcome to that of Ueltzhoeffer's work. You may need to add more layers and tweak with the brightness but you essentially have a text portrait.

Your layer menu should look something like this:

Reference list:

Patterson, S. Photoshop Text Portrait Effect. Available at http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-effects/text-portrait/page-4.php [Accessed 06/12/10]

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